Critical Backlash: Some people don't find the movie to be that bad. The Deacon soon sets up a trap using the corpses of the villagers as puppets to lure the heroes into an ambush, so he can capture the girl in possession of the map to Dryland.
The Deacon interrogates two captives in search of the map, promising to spare one of them should they give him the info he needs, only to go back on his word and kill both of them anyway. Leading an assault on an atoll village, the Deacon has his men massacre the villagers in order to scavenge it and find the map, leaving no one alive, including children.
Complete Monster: The Deacon is the leader of the Smokers who pillage and destroys atoll villages in search of the Dryland. That single, completely random event cost 60 million dollars (or third of the total budget) due to combination of overtime in filming, logistical problems along the way and the raw cost of building second set for the Atoll from a scratch note and making it identical to the first one, to match existing footage (and not force additional reshoots). What actually happend was the gigantic set for the Atoll being sunk by raging storm. Also, everyone knows the movie had Troubled Production, but they follow the reviewers with gossips about ego issues of Costner and his fall-out with Kevin Reynolds. Back in The '90s, this wasn't considered in its numbers as much as it is today. While the bit Troubled Production is true, its status as a bomb was only domestic - internationally? It made back its entire budget and turned profit. This film was one of the poster boys for Troubled Production and Box Office Bomb. Better on DVD: The Extended Cut is the far superior version, as it features more world-building, more Character Development and fills in some of the Plot Holes.